Firestone Ventures Inc.

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Below is a summary of the share structure including warrants and options. The Company's financial reports also include this information.

 Firestone Ventures - As of July 31, 2013


Shares Issued:


Fully Diluted:


Outstanding Stock Options:

Exercise Price Number Value Expiry Date
$0.50 267,000 $133,500 15-Dec-13
$0.50 50,000 $25,000 22-Mar-17
$0.10 2,535,000 $253,500 23-Jan-15
TOTAL: 2,852,000 $412,000  

Outstanding Warrants:

Exercise Price Number Value Expiry Date
$0.10 11,380,040 $1,138,004 2-Nov-13
$0.10 265,300 $26,530 2-Nov-13
TOTAL: 11,645,340 $1,164,534