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| Wed May 19, 2004 Firestone Ventures Announces Two New Mineralized Zones At Bradshaw Hill Project
| VANCOUVER, May 19/CNW - Firestone Ventures Inc. (FV:TSX-VEN) is pleased to announce the discovery of two new mineralized zones at the company's Bradshaw Hill gold project near Penticton, British Columbia. Previous work on the property in the mid-1980s included the drilling of high-grade quartz-arsenopyrite-pyrite veins which yielded values up to 105 g/tonne gold across 0.7m. Firestone Venture's field crew confirmed the presence of previously reported vein-hosted visible gold in the area explored by drilling. Surface exposures of the Bradshaw vein system elsewhere on the property have returned historical values up to 230 g/tonne gold.
The "Mozart Zone", located approximately 400m southwest of the drilled area, consists of fine quartz-arsenopyrite veins and stockwork mineralization across a minimum width of 30m centered on a quartz-arsenopyrite vein in chert. The "Beethoven Zone", located 150m southwest of the Mozart Zone, consists of fine quartz-pyrite and arsenopyrite stockwork mineralization in strongly altered chert across a minimum width of 6m. Arsenopyrite-bearing float 30 m to the north along strike suggests good continuity of the zone. The Mozart and Beethoven Zones are coincident with strong gold-in-soil geochemical anomalies.
The Phase I exploration program at Bradshaw is now complete. Assay values are pending; however, Firestone is encouraged by the discoveries to date at Bradshaw, as past results indicate a strong affinity of gold with arsenopyrite. To date, several potential deposit settings have been identified at Bradshaw Hill: high-grade lode gold veins, quartz-pyrite-arsenopyrite stockwork zones, and intrusive-hosted sheeted quartz veins. In addition, potential exists for narrow high-grade veins within much broader zones of stockwork mineralization, increasing the bulk tonnage potential of the property.
The content of this news release was reviewed by Mr. C. Schulze, PGeo, Qualified Person for Firestone's Bradshaw Hill project in accordance with regulations under NI 43-101.
Firestone Ventures Inc. is a public company listed on the TSX-Venture Exchange. The company's intent is to explore a diverse and high quality portfolio of precious metal, base metal and gemstone properties. For additional information, please see the company's website at www.firestoneventures.com.
For further information contact:
Ken Powell, President and Chairman
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this News Release. |
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