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| Fri Aug 22, 2003 Blue Beryl Found On Four Corners Property, Yukon
| Firestone Ventures Inc. is pleased to announce the completion of the 2003 emerald exploration field program on the Four Corners property located in the Yukon Territory. Areas of quartz-tourmaline veins and tourmaline-bearing pegmatite were delineated on the Four Corners property. In addition, blue beryl was identified. The Four Corners property, under option from Strategic Metals Ltd., is located 40 kilometres southeast of the True North Gems Inc.'s Regal Ridge emerald occurrence.
Exploration during Phase II focused exclusively on the West claim block of the Four Corners property, which is underlain by Devonian ultramafic rocks and Late Devonian Fire Lake mafic metavolcanic rocks. Cretaceous Anvil Suite Intrusive rocks are exposed in the Southern portion of the Four Corners West claim block and may be a source of beryllium. Reconnaissance exploration during Phase One had identified priority exploration zones on the West claim block in areas called Western Ridge, Central Ridge and Eastern Ridge.
Western Ridge
The Western Ridge is underlain by Devonian mafic metavolcanics within 2 kilometres of the main Cretaceous intrusive body. Quartz-tourmaline veins cutting Devonian mafic metavolcanic rocks and tourmaline-bearing pegmatite float trains were identified. A total of 393 soil samples were collected from a grid established over the Devonian mafic metavolcanic. One stream sediment sample was collected from a streambed containing tourmaline-bearing pegmatite and Devonian ultramafic float.
Central Ridge
Tourmaline-bearing float and tourmaline-quartz veins are exposed in several locations in the Central Ridge area. One opaque to semi-opaque light blue beryl crystal approximately 1.3 cm in diameter was identified in tourmaline-bearing pegmatite float below an exposed pegmatite intruding the Devonian mafic metavolcanic unit. A total of 66 soil samples were collected in the Central Ridge area.
Eastern Ridge
Three stream sediment samples collected in this area during Phase One returned anomalous beryllium. The streams were resampled and prospected. Abundant tourmaline-bearing pegmatite float in creeks were noted.
Geochemical results from Phase Two work on the Four Corners property are pending. Dr. Ken Powell, President of Firestone Ventures says, "The identification of blue beryl associated with tourmaline and pegmatite is very encouraging and shows that a systematic geochemical approach combined with thorough prospecting can work in defining zones of beryl mineralization".
The field crew has now moved to the Straw, Lion and Rusty properties to complete Phase Two exploration work. The Straw, Lion, Rusty and Meg properties are subject to an agreement between Firestone Ventures Inc. and True North Gems Inc. where Firestone Ventures may earn a 60% interest in the properties. These properties are within seven kilometres of the Regal Ridge emerald occurrence in the Finlayson Lake area, Yukon Territory. Results from Phase One reconnaissance fieldwork identified several areas of interest on the Straw, Lion and Rusty properties. Of particular interest is a zone of tourmaline within chlorite schist on the Straw claims. The zone has a strike length of 350 metres and an apparent thickness of 150 metres. It contains three discrete subzones where tourmaline, "golden" weathering schist, pegmatite and minor quartz veins were noted. The fieldwork should be completed by the end of August 2003.
"Geochemical sampling and prospecting by the Archer Cathro and Associates field crew has worked very well to outline areas of potential emerald mineralization on the Four Corners property. Emerald is the very rare green gem variety of the mineral beryl, where the rich green color is generated by the presence of the elements chromium or vanadium in the beryl mineral structure. The identification of blue beryl together with favorable geology and geochemistry confirms that the Four Corners property has all the elements for the formation of emerald," says Lori Walton, director of Firestone Ventures Inc.
per: "Dr. Ken Powell"
Dr. Ken Powell, President
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