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| Thu Jul 16, 2009 Firestone Ventures Defines new Zinc-Lead-Silver Soil Anomaly at Torlon Hill
| July 16, 2009 - Firestone Ventures Inc. (FV:TSX-V; F5V:FSE) is pleased to announce results from the soil sampling campaign carried out in April, 2009. A strong (150 m x 75 m) zinc-lead anomaly was identified 350 metres to the west of the previously drilled area.
"We are integrating the new results into our exploration database, keeping in mind the mining history of the area," says Lori Walton, President of Firestone Ventures. "Our on-going programs in environmental baseline studies, metallurgical work, data compilation and re-interpretation of existing datasets are continuing through the summer."
The recent surface exploration work extends the existing soil grid at Torlon Hill to the north and to the west. A total of 167 soil samples were collected every 50 metres on east -- west lines, 50 meters apart.
A total of 87 soil samples were collected north of the previous grid. The north grid extension covers previously drilled areas, surface exposures of zinc mineralization and old mine waste. The purpose of the sampling here was to compare with areas of buried zinc mineralization. As expected, eight of the samples returned over 10,000 ppm zinc and eleven of the samples returned over 10,000 ppm lead. Silver values in the north grid were generally low (below 1 ppm) except for samples collected near the Torlon orebody, which returned up to 62 ppm silver.
An additional 80 soil samples were collected on a western extension of the Torlon grid covering areas previously unsampled or prospected. A total of 17 samples returned values above 500 ppm zinc up to a maximum value of 1150 ppm (0.11%) zinc. Coincident with the anomalous zinc values were anomalous lead values. A total of 27 soil samples returned values above 1,000 ppm lead, including two samples that returned over 10,000 ppm (1.0%) lead up to a maximum of 22,000 ppm lead (2.2%). Silver values were generally low (less than 1 ppm), but ranged up to 4 ppm. The magnitude of these values demonstrates that the anomalies are unlikely to be caused by contamination and therefore may reflect the surface expression of mineralized zones representing new targets for drilling.
The news release has been reviewed and approved by John Cleary, (CPG), Qualified Person for the Torlon Hill project and by Al Workman, P.Geol., Vice President of Watts, Griffis and McOuat Limited and the Independent Qualified Person for the project in accordance with regulations under National Instrument 43-101. Soil samples were dried at the BSI Inspectorate facility in Guatemala City then sent by courier to the International Plasma Labs Ltd. facility in Vancouver, B.C. for analysis. All soil samples were analyzed for 33 elements by ICP-AES.
The Company is continuing its collaborative work with local communities on social-economic initiatives, upgrading existing access roads and stream crossings and the coordination of local supplies and services. The 100% owned Torlon Hill zinc-lead-silver deposit is road-accessible and open to expansion.
Lori Walton, P. Geol., President
Toll Free: 1-888-221-5588
Fax: (780) 428-3476
Trading Symbol: FV:TSX-V;F5V: FSE
For Investor Relations please call: Contact Financial Inc. at (604) 689-7422
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