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| Mon Sep 10, 2007 Firestone Ventures Completes 2007 Drill Program, Sonora Gold Property, Yukon
| Sept 10, 2007: Firestone Ventures Inc. (FV:TSX-V,F5V:FSE) is pleased to announce the completion of the summer, 2007 diamond drilling program on the Company's Sonora gold-silver-copper property, located 110 km northwest of Carmacks, Yukon Territory, Canada. The program consisted of 2,024.9 metres of diamond drilling in 12 holes testing three major target areas. The Sonora property is located within 25 kilometres of a seasonal access road and within 40 kilometers of Sherwood Copper's Minto copper-gold mine project, now in production. Firestone Ventures is earning in for an 80% interest in the Sonora property.
The three areas tested are the Amadeus Zone, discovered by Firestone during the summer of 2006; the Jupiter anomaly, identified through geological mapping, soil sampling and geophysical surveying, also in 2006; and the "Ultramafic Horizon", identified from exploration prior to 1986 but not previously drill tested by Firestone.
The Amadeus Zone was tested with 7 holes totaling 1,730 metres; six of these targeted potential nearby continuity of the high grade intercept in DDH SG-06-06 which returned 6.21 g/t gold across 15.3 metres, open at depth (see news release dated Jan. 15, 2007). The seventh hole was collared 200 metres to the west, along the interpreted strike extent and within a geophysical anomaly identified by Firestone Ventures in late 2005. Four short holes, totaling 149.9 metres, targeted the Jupiter Anomaly along the trace of the district-scale "Big Creek Fault". One hole, terminated at 145.0 metres, was drilled at the Ultramafic Horizon.
The camp has been decommissioned, and all samples have now been submitted for analysis. Several samples from the ultramafic horizon will be analyzed for platinum and palladium. Results are pending.
The Sonora gold-silver-copper property is characterized by its multiple styles of gold mineralization, geological setting and intriguing gold-bismuth-tellurium geochemical signature. The Sonora property lies within the "Dawson Range Copper-Gold-Silver District" in west-central Yukon Territory. Placer gold mining has operated periodically on streams draining the Sonora property; angular gold nuggets have been recovered from placer concentrates. The start of production at the Minto Mine, the proposed new power line, including a spur line to the Minto Mine and the numerous drill programs carried out in the Dawson Range area in 2007 are all positive developments for the district.
This News Release has been reviewed and approved by Carl Schulze, BSc, PGeo, Qualified Person for the property, in accordance with regulations under National Instrument 43-101. All samples are being analyzed by ALS Chemex labs of North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. A fact sheet on the Sonora property, property location map and previous news releases are available at www.firestoneventures.com.
Firestone Ventures Inc. is a well-financed Canadian-based resource exploration and development company with zinc, gold and uranium projects in Western Canada and Central America. The common shares of the Company are currently listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (symbol FV) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (symbol F5V). For further information please contact:
Lori Walton, P. Geol., President
Toll Free: 1-888-221-5588
Fax: (780) 428-3476
Trading Symbol: FV: TSX-V; F5V: FSE
For Investor Relations please call: Contact Financial Inc. at (604) 689-7422
Investors can also visit www.agoracom.com/IR/Firestone or email questions to FV@agoracom.com.
The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release |
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